onsdag 26 september 2012

Lockie's diary

Today was not a successful day. Me and Egg was preparing a protest meeting about the poisoned river. Not so many showed up. Before that mom told me to hang up a sign about this. I totally forget that because i was thinking about Dot all day. She asked me out to go surfing and I couldn't say no. I wasn't prepare for that so I forgot some things. Things like helping Egg with the chairs and the speech to the protest meeting and helping mum putt up the sign because she can't get up on chairs.
Egg got very angry about this and didn't want to be my friend. Actually he called me a bad friend and I think that I should sit in the dogbasket because of that. To make up with all these mistakes I helped Egg preparing for his parents anniversatyday. I dressed like a chef and cooked food. His parents thought that it was Egg that had cooked the food.
I was so frustrated about Dot so i was a bad brother to Philip. I said that Lisa didn't like him and he got very mad. I hope I can kiss Dot in the future. 

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